In order to market these high quality paint products in a competitive retail environment Imperial Paints has linked with a world class marketing partner for the supply of top quality point-of-sale marketing material in the form of fan-decks, take-home colour chips and colour cards on an attractive display stand for the retailer to allow the consumer to choose from.
This colour selection is know as the internationally recognised Color Is system which has been developed by the world-wide Color Guild (in association with Duha-Canada) of which Imperial Paints has recently become a member. The Color Is colour system comprises of 1320 different colours to embrace all popular modern colour selections. In order to ensure an excellent and consistent colour matches Imperial Paints has tinted and re-tinted each of the 1320 colours.
The Color Guild involves more than 55 independent paint manufacturers from 14 different countries who have combined interests to ensure that the marketing, promotion and selling of paint products meet the highest standards available. Imperial stockists are hereby provided with the very latest in local and international trends to stay abreast of consumers demands and maximise sales.
The Research and Theory Behind Colour Selections
The Color Guild is uniquely qualified to serve as a definitive resource on colour and coatings. Color Guild colourists are also at work constantly to predict and present trend colours in various markets at least 12 to 18 months in advance of their entry into the marketplace. This aspect of their operation has made them a globally respected resource and valuable resource for independent manufacturers.”
The Color Guild colourists are primarily composed of accredited members of global professional organisations that specialise in colour forecasting and design. The Color Guild colourists have created and designed our Color Is palette. It is arranged in sequence following chromatic progression from left to right in “rainbow order”.
The colours are organised in saturation levels by row with the brightest chromes found in row one, slightly muted in row two, more muted in row three followed by dusty and then neutral colours.
One column in the display is one colour family. This type of alignment puts colour families together for ease in selecting monochromatic colours but also assists in selecting adjacent or related colours to the left and right of each family.